Spinal Flow
There is a natural healing intelligence that exists within, and flows through the 7 gateways of the spine as spinal flow. Spinal Flow delivers life force to, and communicates with, every cell of our body. Pain, dis-ease and illness are indications of spinal blockages, which stem from 3 types of stress: physical, chemical, and emotional.
Whether it be physical, chemical , or emotional stress - the body releases these stresses during each Spinal Flow session. The Practitioner applies light pressure to the sacral and cranial access points, which fires the brain to communicate with the spinal cord. Between each vertebrae there are spinal roots that connect to every nerve in our body. When there is a spinal blockage - communication from the brain to the rest of the nervous system is hindered - therefore causing pain, illness, disconnect, and dis-ease.
Upon assessment, the Practitioner can determine where there is a spinal block. Each gateway of the spine connects to different organs and functions of the body. Symptoms directly relate to the blocked vertebra and its nerve function. Practitioners work with the spinal fluid, nervous system and access points to guide the body in releasing these blockages - which in turn releases the symptoms clients are experiencing.