Liver Lymph Lavage
55g per bag - 30 Cups - 1 tsp per cup
Liver & Lymph; Our body’s main trash and toxic waste removal systems. This tea contains effective detoxifying herbs that will help keep your liver and lymphatic systems squeaky clean - allowing all of your other organs to function at their highest potential!
Spring and Fall is when our body naturally detoxes - this tea will assist with that gool ol’ spring/fall cleaning :)
Organic Ingredients: Dandelion Root, Dandelion Leaf, Burdock Root, Ginger Root, Nettle Root, and Star Anise.
Infused with Healing Frequency Program “Lymphatic System” using *Healy Device to harmonize the bioenergetic field of the lymphatic system meridian.
Liver & Lymph Lavage